Resource Kit

Thank you for downloading the resource kit for ScriptX Client 32bit Edition, version 7,2,0,36.

ScriptX Client is an Internet Explorer Add-on that provides the web application developer with complete control over the print process in Microsoft Internet Explorer on client desktops. Control can be as simple as setting the page header, footer and margins through to selecting the printer, paper, paper source, and collation.

Starting with v7.0, ScriptX only uses Windows Installer technology for the installation of the binary implementations (.exe and .dll files) and creation of registry entries. All components are installed to standard locations, no components are installed to Windows system folders (such as system32).

To uninstall ScriptX, use Add/Remove Programs in Windows Control Panel.

NOTE: ScriptX supports Microsoft Windows 2000 and later with Internet Explorer 6.0 or later. For support of earlier versions of Microsoft Windows and Internet Explorer, please see the ScriptX Maintenance Binaries page.

Please note that this resource kit contains only simple installation and upgrading instructions; complete ScriptX documentation is available on the ScriptX website, where you will also find samples and instructions for creating ScriptX enabled documents.

With this resource kit you can:

a. Evaluate ScriptX Client on a development machine

ScriptX Client can be fully tested with a free evaluation license, on content served from the local file system (file://, My Computer Security Zone only) or local website (http://localhost/). This allows you to test ScriptX Client before purchasing a publishing license.

b. Deploy ScriptX Client for free - 'Free' ScriptX

The basic features of ScriptX Client are available for no charge, for example, the ability to specify print headers and footers, margins and orientation. You are free to deploy the binaries provided with this resource kit to your servers on your Intranet or the public Internet.

c. Deploy ScriptX Client with a publishing license - 'Licensed' ScriptX

A paid-for publishing license is provided to registered customers. This unlocks the full power of ScriptX Client from your own root URLs. Your publishing license will work with every existing and future version of ScriptX Client. It does not have to be updated when the ScriptX software is updated. All publishing licenses are renewable and valid for one or more years.

You can use this resource kit to deploy ScriptX Client with a publishing license, however you must first refer to the instructions provided with your license file.

d. Upgrade an exisiting deployment of ScriptX Client

This resource kit can also be used to upgrade an existing deployment of ScriptX Client to version 7,2,0,36.

ScriptX Client Resource Kit contents

The resource kit contents will be found in the folder chosen during the installation of the kit (the default is "\Program Files\MeadCo ScriptX Resource Kit\").

The following 'standard' installer packages are provided in the 'redist' folder:

smsx.cabReferenced by the codebase attribute of the <object /> tag, installs the the ScriptX components.
ScriptX.msiIntended to provide 'manual' installation of the ScriptX components by an administrator.
cleansx.exeThis tool will uninstall and remove an installation of ScriptX created by the old style 'cab' (pre v7.0) based installer. 

Please note that this tool must be run with administrator priviledges, its is marked to prompt for elevation on Windows Vista or later. It is intended to be run from the command prompt or as part of a suitable batch process. By default, the tool will output the actions it has taken and pause on completion, if the -q argument is provided no output will be produced.

All packages will install the components on Microsoft Windows 2000 and later with Internet Explorer 6.0 or later.

The ScriptX components are shared among all applications using them and are installed in the standard shared files location (e.g. "Common Files" folder of "Program Files"). This location cannot be changed.

About ScriptX.msi

The Microsoft Windows Installer technology database ScriptX.msi may be delivered directly to users by any appropriate means for them to 'manually' pre-install ScriptX, it is also 'wrapped' by to 'auto' install.

On Windows 2000/XP, when run by an administrator, the installation will perform a 'per-machine' install. If run by a low rights user, then it will perform a 'per-user' install. On Windows Vista or later a per-machine install is always performed and will require elevation approval by the logged on user.

A user MUST be logged on to their machine with full local adminstrator privileges or in the case of Windows Vista or later be able to complete the elevation dialog to give administrator privileges to the installation, in order for installation to succeed where an upgrade to a previous install via .cab is being performed.

If you need to use Microsoft Windows Installer technology to install the ScriptX binaries 'per-user' on Windows Vista or later, please contact MeadCo Sales to discuss your requirements; the ScriptX Corporate resource kit is available and includes per-user ScriptX installers as Windows Installer database (.msi file) and Windows Installer Merge Modules. ScriptX Corporate also includes the 64bit Edition of ScriptX.

a. Evaluating ScriptX Client on a development machine

ScriptX Client installation is developed using Internet Component Download file based installers where the installer provided as a .cab file. Installation via the file is recommended where online delivery and deployment via Internet Explorer is required - it has the advantage of being simple to implement. The .cab installer is a convenient wrapper on ScriptX.msi.

Please remember when using the evaluation license that ScriptX Client can only be tested on content served from (specifically and ONLY) the local file system (file://, My Computer Security Zone only) or local website (http://localhost/).

The instructions below describe ScriptX enabling a page for deployment of ScriptX. This then makes ScriptX Client available on your page for scripting to provide a controlled printing experience for your users. Complete ScriptX documentation is available on the ScriptX website, where you will also find samples  (please use View Source in the browser and copy any code you want).

Browser based deployment

You will need:

  • (from this kit)
  • the evaluation publishing license (automatically downloaded from the MeadCo servers)

A copy of is included with this resource kit in the 'redist' folder. This file should be copied to a suitable location on your web server(s) and then include these objects on your pages:

<!-- MeadCo Security Manager --><object id="secmgr" viewastext style="display:none"classid="clsid:5445be81-b796-11d2-b931-002018654e2e"codebase="http://[your_path]/,2,0,36"><param name="GUID" value="{EED6C59A-AC2B-4578-96D0-C0C1AE483FEE}"><param name="Path" value=""><param name="Revision" value="0"></object><!-- MeadCo ScriptX --><object id="factory" viewastext style="display:none"classid="clsid:1663ed61-23eb-11d2-b92f-008048fdd814"></object>

where [your-path] is a placeholder for the location of on your own servers.

The <object> code shown above should appear on ALL your ScriptX-enabled pages, including those dynamically created on the server via ASP Classic, ASP.NET, PHP etc. You can not use CreateObject or new ActiveXObject to call ScriptX client-side.

When scripting, you should call ScriptX in all cases by the ID of the on-page ScriptX object - in the above example 'factory'.

The {0ADB2135-6917-470B-B615-330DB4AE3701} value of the GUID parameter used above identifies the MeadCo evaluation license that authors may use to experiment with Advanced printing capabilities. The license validates local filesystem (file://, My Computer Security Zone only) and local website (http://localhost/) content only for evaluation purposes on a single development computer.

The evaluation license does not validate and will not work with any other address (url). Registered customers are issued with their own unique license identifier and a digitally signed sxlic.mlf file.

Administrator pre-install

Alternatively you may wish to pre-install ScriptX Client over an intranet, in which case you will need:

  • ScriptX.msi (strictly-admin-only-to-run, from this kit)
  • the evaluation publishing license (automatically downloaded from the MeadCo servers)

A copy of ScriptX.msi is included with this resource kit in the 'redist' folder. A local administrator should run ScriptX.msi on each client machine in your Intranet as an alternative to having the add-on auto-download the first time a user hits a ScriptX-enabled page.

Once deployed in this manner, ScriptX should be made available on your pages as described in Browser based deployment. If you know that ScriptX has already been deployed the codebase parameter can be removed.

b. Deploy ScriptX Client for free - 'Free' ScriptX

The basic features of ScriptX Client are available for no charge, for example, the ability to specify print headers and footers, margins and orientation. You are free to deploy the binaries provided with this resource kit to your servers on your Intranet or the public Internet.

Browser based deployment

You will need:


A copy of is included with this resource kit in the 'redist' folder. This file should be copied to a suitable location on your web server(s) and then include these objects on your pages:

<!-- MeadCo ScriptX --><object id="factory" viewastext style="display:none"   classid="clsid:1663ed61-23eb-11d2-b92f-008048fdd814"   codebase="http://[your_path]/,2,0,36"></object>

or, if you wish to make use of MeadCo's version of the IE7 'scale to fit' print template, independent of your user's browser version, do this

<!-- MeadCo ScriptX --><object id="factory" viewastext style="display:none"   classid="clsid:1663ed61-23eb-11d2-b92f-008048fdd814"   codebase="http://[your_path]/,2,0,36">   <param name="template" value="MeadCo://IE7" /></object>

where [your-path] is a placeholder for the location of on your own servers.

The <object> code shown above should appear on ALL your ScriptX-enabled pages, including those dynamically created on the server via ASP Classic, ASP.NET, PHP etc. You can not use CreateObject or new ActiveXObject to call ScriptX client-side.

When scripting, you should call ScriptX in all cases by the ID of the on-page ScriptX object - in the above example 'factory'.

Administrator pre-install

Alternatively you may wish to pre-install ScriptX Client over an intranet, in which case you will need:

  • ScriptX.msi (strictly-admin-only-to-run)

A copy of ScriptX.msi is included with this resource kit in the 'redist' folder. A local administrator should run ScriptX.msi on each client machine in your Intranet as an alternative to having the add-on auto-download the first time a user hits a ScriptX-enabled page.

c. Deploying ScriptX Client with a publishing license - 'Licensed' ScriptX

If you are a registered ScriptX Client customer then you can use this resource kit for deployment, however you will need to refer to the installation instructions that you received with your publishing license.

Browser based deployment

You will need:

  • your publishing license file, sxlic.mlf (as described in your email notification of license availability)

A copy of is included with this resource kit in the 'redist' folder. This file should be copied to a suitable location on your web server(s) and then include these objects on your pages:

<!-- MeadCo Security Manager --><object id="secmgr" viewastext style="display:none"classid="clsid:5445be81-b796-11d2-b931-002018654e2e"codebase="http://[your_path]/,2,0,36"><param name="GUID" value="{[YOUR_LICENSE_GUID]}"><param name="Path" value="http://[your path]/sxlic.mlf"><param name="Revision" value="[your license rev]"></object><!-- MeadCo ScriptX --><object id="factory" viewastext style="display:none"classid="clsid:1663ed61-23eb-11d2-b92f-008048fdd814"></object>

where [your-path] is a placeholder for the location of on your own servers.

[YOUR_LICENSE_GUID] and [your license rev] are details that will have been provided to you in your email notification of license availability

The <object> code shown above should appear on ALL your ScriptX-enabled pages, including those dynamically created on the server via ASP Classic, ASP.NET, PHP etc. You can not use CreateObject or new ActiveXObject to call ScriptX client-side.

When scripting, you should call ScriptX in all cases by the ID of the on-page ScriptX object - in the above example 'factory'.

Administrator pre-install

Alternatively you may wish to pre-install ScriptX Client over an intranet, in which case you will need:

  • ScriptX.msi (strictly-admin-only-to-run)
  • your publishing license file, sxlic.mlf (as described in your email notification of license availability)

A copy of ScriptX.msi is included with this resource kit in the 'redist' folder. A local administrator should run ScriptX.msi on each client machine in your Intranet as an alternative to having the add-on auto-download the first time a user hits a ScriptX-enabled page.

Once deployed in this manner, ScriptX should be made available on your pages as described in Browser based deployment. If you know that ScriptX has already been deployed the codebase parameter can be removed.

d. Upgrading an exisiting deployment of ScriptX Client

If you are upgrading from a previous release of ScriptX Client then you must update all copies of and/or ScriptX.msi deployed throughout your organisation. Both files are available with this resource kit in the 'redist' folder.

For example, if you are using browser based deployment then you must replace all copies of file on your servers with the file from this resource kit. You must then also update the codebase versioning on all your ScriptX-enabled pages to reflect the required version number (7,2,0,36) - this will cause Internet Explorer to download and install the updated version of ScriptX. For example, for 'free' usage of ScriptX:

<!-- MeadCo ScriptX --><object id="factory" viewastext style="display:none"   classid="clsid:1663ed61-23eb-11d2-b92f-008048fdd814"   codebase="http://[your_path]/,2,0,36"></object>

where [your-path] is a placeholder for the location of

Or, for licensed usage:

<!-- MeadCo Security Manager --><object id="secmgr" viewastext style="display:none"classid="clsid:5445be81-b796-11d2-b931-002018654e2e"codebase="http://[your_path]/,2,0,36"><param name="GUID" value="{YOUR_LICENSE_GUID}"><param name="Path" value="http://[your_path]/sxlic.mlf"><param name="Revision" value="0"></object>

where [your-path] is a placeholder for the location of and your license on your own servers. YOUR_LICENSE_GUID is your own unique license identifier - this will not change.

Further Information

Further information and licensing information for ScriptX Client, ScriptX Server and ScriptX Application can be found on the ScriptX website.

Scripting Factory and ScriptX are Copyright (c) Mead & Co Limited 1998-2013.

Contact us at:

Posted by wychoi